Amilcareis - InFátima

Travel information

Everything you need to know for your trip to run smoothly.

Tourist Office - InFátima

Tourist Office

The Tourist Office is located on Avenida D. José Alves Correia da Silva, next to the sculpture "Coração Francisco", a few meters from the Basilica of the Holy Trinity.
Phone: +351 249 531 139
Hours: Monday to Saturday 9 am - 1 pm; 14:00 - 17:00 (entry on Sunday)

Driving in the Area

Similarly to most European countries, we drive on the right side, in Portugal, and the driver is sitting on the left. Speed limits are in km/ h.

Tourist Train - Fatima

Visit the major points of interest in Fatima

Regional Climate

The weather in Leiria and Santarem is usually mild and hot.

Lagar museu Fátima - InFátima



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