Amilcareis - InFátima

On Foot

The Caminhos de Fatima Project – marked with blue arrows – is intended to make the pilgrim route a safer one. The whole way is marked with blue arrows and it passes through rural roads with little traffic or dirt tracks, hence avoiding the roads with a lot of traffic. 
There are four routes, which coincide with Caminhos de Santiago (which are marked with yellow arrows): The Northern Way, the Tagus Way, the Nazare Way, and the Coastal Way.

The Northern Way 

Start: Valença 
Distance: Approximately 217 miles 

In Portugal, the Northern Way starts in Valença. The Northern Way coincides with Caminho de Santiago. Pilgrims will find the blue arrows, which indicate the direction to Fatima, and yellow arrows going in the opposite direction towards Santiago. 

The Tagus Way 

Start: Lisbon, Parque das Naçoes
Distance: Approximately 87 miles

 This way has a mark at the beginning, which is a few feet away from ‘Pala do Siza’, the great canopy of Portugal's pavilion. 
Caminhos de Fatima and Caminhos de Santiago follow the same routes up to Santarem. From then on, Fatima’s pilgrims should follow the direction to Fatima and Santiago's pilgrims should follow the direction to Tomar. Both routes will coincide again in Ansiao.

The Nazare Way

Start: Pelourinho in Sitio da Nazare
Distance: Approximately 31 miles

The Route that connects Nazare to Fatima is often taken in both directions. Many pilgrims head towards Nazare in order to fulfil an old ritual, that is to continue towards Finisterre ‘where the land ends and the sea begins’. 

 The Coastal Way 

Start: Estoril; Cascais
Distance: Approximately 99 miles

This Route begins near Saint Anthony’s Church in Estoril, or in Cascais. Throughout the entire way, pilgrims will find blue and yellow arrows, which mark Fatima and Santiago at the same time. 
Once pilgrims arrive in Fatima, they may follow towards Santiago through the Northern Way.


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